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Thread: The Downward Spiral

  1. #1
    Sorsha Kasajian

    Imp The Downward Spiral

    ooc notes - The soundtrack to this post is Fraternity Suite by Danny Elfman
    (This thread is open to all imperial chars)

    4:36 A.M. Imperial Standard Time

    :: Sorsha ripped herself from sleep with a long, horrible scream. The dreams were becoming more lurid and carnal, plaguing her like a terminal illness. She crawled out of the sweatsoaked sheets of her bed, trembling from the distorted visions that tormented her. Miranda & Gallus locked in intercourse, their flesh melting and merging together as they frelled. The hateful faces of Sanya and Sasseeri leering in triumph.

    Adrenalin numbed the ache in her body from Valten's trial by fire as she swept through her room, wreaking havok on everything she touched. Priceless keepsakes collected throughout the galaxy were destroyed in her delirium. None of it meant anything to her now.

    Her hands finally fell upon a blade as she spun to face the mirror. Her hair hung over her face in wet strands, and she fell to her knees, weeping as she sawed it off in handfuls with the blade.

    Her vision blurred with hot tears as she become more lucid, and she curled into a fetal position, surrounded by the locks of her severed hair.

    Another long wail of anguish filled the room, fading into a hard sob as she uttered a name.


    Then she was silent, drifting into an exhausted sleep on the floor ::
    Last edited by Sorsha Kasajian; Jan 31st, 2009 at 12:20:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Several hours later, the light of day finally pulled Sorsha from her torpor. The warmth of the sun lit her naked skin and she stretched her limbs before rising to her feet. Running fingers through her cropped hair, she stared back into the mirror again. She didn't recognize herself after murdering who she was. Once she dreamed of ruling Black Sun, surpassing the Xizor Dynasty with her own. Of always being in Mira's bed. Not having to endure the arrogance of a pig like Valten.

    She wandered through her wreck of a room towards the fresher, and stepped inside to revive herself ::

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    What a... burn? That kind of thing could get a man... fired? I think he was... hot... for... you?

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Kalail Rotas's Avatar
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    With toothpick rolling back and forth against her lips, Kalail hit the door chime to her Cousin's loft. She stuff her hands in her pocket and waited, trying to be patient. Ever since the wedding, Sorsha was off and seeing as Kalail knew the details of the secret wedding of her Cousin and Miranda on Falleen, she was deeply concerned that Sorsha was going to do something stupid. Her love for Miranda was fanatical.

  4. #4
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Sorsha was still in the shower, the water on her face drowning out the outside world. In her current state, she didn't hear Kalail outside ::
    Last edited by Sorsha Kasajian; Feb 2nd, 2009 at 10:42:11 AM.

  5. #5
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    What a... burn? That kind of thing could get a man... fired? I think he was... hot... for... you?

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
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    Tired of waiting and worried about her Cousin, she keyed in the sequence to open the door and walked into a mess!

    The toothpick fell from her gaping mouth as she stared at the disaster the suite had become. A boot kicked over a priceless porcelain tea pot that her mother had given her. It was hand crafted on Naboo and over a century old. Now it was garbage. She flicked her wrist and a holdout blaster fell into her hand. She wasn't sure what happened here and needed to play it safe. Sorsha had many enemies and someone might have tried to off her.

    Scowling, she walked around the chaos to find her Cousin but stopped suddenly. Blonde locks of hair kicked into the air from Kalail's movement. She knelt down and picked up a tuff of it and balled her hand into a fist. Sensitive ears picked up the faint sound of water running.

    Tossing the hair aside, Kalail moved through the suite with professional grace and stopped short of the door leading into the refresher. Gun at the ready, she quietly stepped into the open doorway and peered around the corner. Sorsha was in the shower, seemingly safe. No one else was there.

    "Heeeeey, Cuz?" she called out, her tone uncertain and full of worry. "You okay?"

  6. #6
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Sorsha turned to face Kalail, and it was painfully clear that she wasn't okay. The look of a wounded animal greeted her. Feral and suffering. Not at all the cousin she grew up with. The wedding ceremony had killed a part of her forever ::

  7. #7
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    What a... burn? That kind of thing could get a man... fired? I think he was... hot... for... you?

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Kalail Rotas's Avatar
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    She holstered her blaster and stepped inside the bathroom, grabbing a towel that had been thrown on the floor along the way. "What the hell happened, Sorsha?"

    Kalail was beside herself with worry because she had no idea what was going on. Sorsha was always cool and collected, even when taking out someone's life. Sure she lost it now and then, who didn't? But not like this. Never in all her life had she seen Sorsha looking like some rampaging animal.

  8. #8
    Sorsha Kasajian
    "The dreams, Kal ... they're getting worse."

    :: Sorsha stepped out of the fresher and stumbled as a wave of nausea hit her. Dropping to her hands and knees, she retched spasmodically before she could reach the toilet. She looked up at her cousin in humilation and her eyes looked bloodshot ::

    "I'm sorry." she whimpered, kneeling before the pool of vomit.

  9. #9
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    What a... burn? That kind of thing could get a man... fired? I think he was... hot... for... you?

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
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    Kalail covered the vomit with the towel in her hand and searched the room for something suitable. Spying a black silk robe, she grabbed that to wrap around Sorsha's body. "Alright, come on."

    Slipping an arm underneath her Cousin's shoulder, she helped Sorsha to her feet and led her into the kitchen. "Take a seat and I'll get you some water."

    She grabbed a glass and as it filled up with water from the faucet, Kalail mind started to race with what nightmares were haunting her Cousin so. Frell dreams! Dreams don't cause you to go on an induced psychopathic rage, destroying your home and cutting your hair off!

    With a small clunk, Kalail set the glass before Sorsha and leaned over the table, hands folded in front as she peered at her Cousin with concern. "It's Miranda, isn't it?"

    Kalail and Sorsha were practically Sister's and knew each other as if such. This all started after the wedding and had to be source of her unhinged state.

  10. #10
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: The mere mention of Miranda's name struck Sorsha hard, and her bottom lip quivered as she fought vainly not to crack. Tears poured from her eyes when she closed them. Gallus had pleasured Mira in ways that violated everything Sorsha held as her right alone. The deepest expression of her love had been stolen, and she did nothing to stop it. Miranda's screams pounded in her head, and her torment nearly shattered Kalail's eardrums as it rushed from her throat and filled the room ::

    "EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeEEEEEE EEEEE!!!!!"

    :: Her face contorted in anguish as she rocked insanely in her chair ::


    :: She reached out towards Kalail with a trembling hand, as though she falling to her death ::

  11. #11
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    What a... burn? That kind of thing could get a man... fired? I think he was... hot... for... you?

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Kalail Rotas's Avatar
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    Kalail grabbed Sorsha and pulled her Cousin into a tight embrace, burying her chin into butchered blonde mane. She felt so completely helpless in trying to console Sorsha because there was nothing that she could do to take away the pain of having to watch the love of your life marry another.

  12. #12
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Sorsha fell into Kalail's arms like a child, and her suffering yielded to physical exhaustion again. She kept her face buried in Kalail's chest, and allowed herself to be soothed ::

  13. #13
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    What a... burn? That kind of thing could get a man... fired? I think he was... hot... for... you?

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Kalail Rotas's Avatar
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    She kissed the top of her Cousin's head and squeezed her tightly. "You know what you need?"

    Kalail pulled away so they could look at one another, she grinning ear to ear. "Food! Real food instead of who knows what the frotz is fermenting in that fridge of yours. You're gonna get dressed and we're heading out to eat."

    They were polite orders, but Sorsha knew she wouldn't be able to argue against it. She was quite serious about going out and heard the subtle threat. Kalail had no qualms about pulling the speeder just under the docking platform attached to Sorsha's suite to push her cousin off the ledge if need be!

  14. #14
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Sorsha complied, cleaning herself up and getting dressed. She was fussing with the spiky ends of her hair when Kalail walked in to check on her ::

    "Well ..." she said hoarsley. "... what do you think?"

  15. #15
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    What a... burn? That kind of thing could get a man... fired? I think he was... hot... for... you?

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
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    Lips puckered into a frown as eyes squinted in an attempt to try and find something nice to say.

    "It's gonna take some getting used to. I liked your hair long," she admitted and plucked absently at a few tuffs. Sorsha looked like a mangy street cat. "Maybe a few clips here and there will even it out."
    Last edited by Miranda Tarkin; Feb 10th, 2009 at 02:40:01 PM.

  16. #16
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Sorsha forced a smile at her honesty, and touched her face ::

    "Where are we going?"

  17. #17
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    What a... burn? That kind of thing could get a man... fired? I think he was... hot... for... you?

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
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    "The Manarai of course," she answered with a 'duh' expression on her face. "Where else are we gonna go to eat good food with some privacy?"

  18. #18
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Sorsha winced sheepishly ::


    :: She looked around at the room in disbelief as they started to leave, as if seeing what she did for the first time ::

    "Holy Dren ..." she uttered.

  19. #19
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    What a... burn? That kind of thing could get a man... fired? I think he was... hot... for... you?

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Kalail Rotas's Avatar
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    "Yeah. Further proof to never piss ya off!" she commented and flipped her comm over to contact a favorite maid. "Yo Jules? Sorsha will need your services a bit earlier then expected."

    Kalail looked over the mess, wincing with sad eyes at the destruction. "Bring friends to help clean."

    Qua la felan! Another party? Jules exasperated sigh was heard loudly over the small speaker, but she was in good favor with Sorsha and was afforded some leniency with her tongue - which often fell into Eriaduan dialect when flustered.

    "Something like that. There'll be a bonus."

    How can I resist that. I'll make some calls and be there in an hour.

    "Bon pardient, Jules."

  20. #20
    Sorsha Kasajian

    :: Sorsha entered with Kalail, trying to ignore the shock factor her radical appearance created. The Maitre D' seemed to pop out of thin air to greet them ::

    "Miss Kasajian!!!" "Miss Rotas!!! "Your table is ready!!!"

    :: With a sweep of his hand, he led the way to the uppermost room in the back of the Manarai. The one kept only for her personal use ::

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